What Not To Do After A Car Accident

It's only natural after a car accident to allow the insurance companies to take the lead and make things right. If the accident was not your fault, you may assume that you will be compensated fairly by the at-fault driver's insurance company, but unfortunately this is not always the case. You need to ensure that your claim gets the attention it deserves, and you should not let the below mistakes prevent you from getting fairly compensated. Read on to learn about 3 things not to do after a car accident.

1. Being overly friendly with the other driver. Even though the other driver was at fault, you can't help but feel that it could have just as easily been you that caused that accident. The other driver seems like a very nice person and is obviously distraught and apologetic about their actions. You may even feel a little sorry for them, but don't allow your emotional reactions to damage your chances at a fair settlement. Resist the urge to assure the other driver that your injuries were minor or that you may have been partially at fault. Anything you say could damage your claim, so keep your statements about the accident to yourself.

2. Relying too much on the accident report. Undoubtedly, the accident report is important. It normally will contain valuable information like the involved parties' contact information, witness information, and most importantly, the police officer's opinion about the cause of the accident. However, this report is only one part of a large package of other evidence that should not be overlooked. To prove your claim, you may need the data from the vehicle's computers, tire mark photos, eye-witness statements, camera footage and more. Furthermore, the accident report is not even admissible in court, should it come to that.

3. You believe that it's too late to file a claim. Some injuries take longer to manifest, and what could have at first appeared to be just bumps and bruises could turn out to be a lot more serious. If you are still suffering from the effects of the accident weeks later, seek medical attention immediately and begin documenting your medical evidence. While it's true that every state has a statute of limitations on filing personal injury claims, in most states, it's 2 years. Check with your attorney as soon as possible so that you don't miss out on the opportunity for compensation.

Do yourself a favor and give yourself adequate time to heal from your injuries. Allow a personal injury attorney to take some of the burden of this claim from you and get you the compensation that you deserve and need. 

For a car accident lawyer, click this link http://robertkanerlaw.com or do an online search. 

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